
Connecting Your Geographies

Providing a Geographical Information Delivery System to share Scotland's data for everyone Read more...


This is a demonstration web site built to illustrate the ability to delivery Geographic Information to users. The information is searched for by geographical location. This project has been produced as part of an MSc course in Geographical Information Science.

This project, entitled CYGnus, allows a simple method to allow users to download information from a range of stakeholders. Like the animal of it's name it was designed to provide an effortless appearance on the surface but contain deeper functionality.

To jump straight into downloading information then start your query now, or to gain an appreciation of the system start with the project description.

CYGnus is a fully operational system, available for testing and demonstration. However, it is not (yet) a public service. Please do not link it from other web pages and do not develop applications which make use of its facilities without asking us first. Without advance notice of your intentions, performance will quickly degrade to the detriment of all our users.

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